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Intune Sync


# Create variable for the time of the last Intune sync.
$PushInfo = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName PushLaunch | Get-ScheduledTaskInfo
$LastPush = $PushInfo.LastRunTime

# Calculate the time difference between the current date/time and the date stored in the variable.
$TimeDiff = New-TimeSpan -Start $LastPush -End $CurrentTime

# If/Else statement checking whether the Time Difference between the Last Sync and the current time is less or greater than 2 days
if ($TimeDiff.Days -gt 2) {
# The time difference is more than 2 days
Write-Host "Last Sync was more than 2 days ago"
Exit 1
} else {
# The time difference is less than 2 days
Write-Host "Sync Complete"
Exit 0


try {
Get-ScheduledTask | ? {$_.TaskName -eq 'PushLaunch'} | Start-ScheduledTask
Exit 0
catch {
Write-Error $_
Exit 1